Brandonn Kramer poses with his state record black buffalo, taken while bowfishing on the Grand River in Ottawa County this past May. (Photo courtesy Michigan DNR)
June 15, 2018
By Game & Fish Online Staff
Check out this huge state record taken recently in Michigan while bowfishing.
A bow fisherman has broken a state record in Michigan by catching a massive black buffalo.
Brandon Kramer of Muskegon landed a 46.54-pound record, eclipsing the old state record (44.54 pounds, 2015) by exactly two pounds, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources .
Brandonn Kramer poses with his state record black buffalo, taken while bowfishing on the Grand River in Ottawa County this past May. (Photo courtesy Michigan DNR)
The fish, a member of the sucker family, was caught May 25 on the Grand River in Ottawa County.
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Kramer was fishing with friend Shawn Grawberger when he caught the record, according to a news release.
The record was verified by DNR's Lake Michigan fisheries manager Jay Wesley.
It was confirmed as a state record by the DNR on June 12.
Kramer's state record measured 39.75 inches. It was the first record of the year reported by the DNR.
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Two records were set in 2017:
Bigmouth Buffalo, 27 pounds, Grand River
Cisco (lake herring), 6.36 pounds, Lake Ottawa State records in Michigan are recognized by weight only. To qualify for a state record, fish must exceed the current listed state record weight and identification must be verified by a DNR fisheries biologist. For more information, visit .
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