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September 11, 2019
By G&F Online Staff
Game & Fish Magazine and parent company Outdoor Sportsman Group pause on Patriot Day 2019 to remember the heroism, the bravery, and the loss of innocent lives in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 .
“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance."— President Theodore Roosevelt They say that time heals all wounds.
Perhaps, but not today, not just yet on another solemn anniversary of the terrorist attacks that were waged against the United States of America on Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, 2001 .
As the 18th anniversary of 9/11 is solemnly remembered today, a day now known as Patriot Day, we pause to remember with the rest of the nation the dark hours of that early fall morning when all of those lives were lost as hijacked planes slammed into buildings in a coordinated attack against the U.S.
But we also remember the bravery as men and women ignored their own personal safety and went towards burning, crumbling buildings to seek out those they might save. We remember civilian airline passengers who took matters into their own hands to make sure that the attacks weren’t any worse. And we celebrate the American spirit as family, friends, neighbors, complete strangers – Americans – hugged each other, displayed our flag, prayed for the fallen, rolled up their sleeves, and did whatever they could.
Most of all, we celebrate what those Americans lost on 9/11 would likely be celebrating today – their loved ones and friends, hard work and a can-do spirit, and the bountiful riches and great blessings of this amazing land we live in. For ours is a country that teems with opportunity for all, especially those who would venture outdoors.
Outdoors to see the autumn sun rise again over the Atlantic Ocean as striped bass feast on baitfish at the tip of Long Island. Outdoors in the Rockies where the shrill bugle of a bull elk echoes across a mountainside aflame with golden color. Outdoors where a wild turkey shatters a spring morning with thunderous gobbles, a Labrador retriever whines on a frosty fall dawn as mallards whisper overhead, and a summer day’s warm beginning when a largemouth bass, a topwater lure, and a still lake surface all collide.
Today, as the late President Theodore Roosevelt urged us to do so many years ago, we celebrate our outdoors lifestyle, our rich American heritage, and all the beauty, the riches, and the romance that make the United States what it is.
We remember on this solemn day what has been lost. We celebrate what remains. We anticipate the bright future our land and its outdoors way of life has to look forward to. And like so many others, we’ll never forget.