Infographic by Allen Hansen
June 12, 2018
By Mark Fike
Chesapeake Bay offers great later-summer fishing for red drum and other species. (Photo by Ron Sinfelt)
Fishing for big bull drum, bluefish and Spanish mackerel heats up in Chesapeake Bay during the late summer months.
Once the summer begins to wane and the kids are headed back to school, some of the best saltwater fishing occurs in the Chesapeake Bay.
The bull drum begin stacking up on structure and cruising the lower bay areas and are fairly easy to find, particularly if you are friends with other anglers or charter captains.
Infographic by Allen Hansen
August and September are hot months to find these big bruisers from the middle bay around Smith Point down to the oceanfront.
>> Click for more on Virginia fishing
In similar fashion, the bluefish bite and Spanish mackerel bite is really at its finest in the same areas.
Both are feeding on schools of baitfish and both are in good numbers.
With school starting or about to start, many times the middle of the week is the best time to go out fishing.
That's because there will be few other boats around to pressure the fish.
The difference in fishing on the weekend and the weekdays, particularly in late August and September, is notable.
Consider planning a few days off, renting a house or staying near a boat ramp and heading out to catch some fine eating blues or Spanish or tangling with a big red.
Just be sure to take the correct gear.
Remember, the red drum are massive and can break off lines, destroy small spoons and cause you to lose many dollars' worth of tackle in an instant.
Keep one or two rods pre-rigged with the larger gear and tackle so when you find those big fish, you can catch them too.