October 13, 2009
By Wonders of Wildlife, National Hunting and Fishing Day
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - Wonders of Wildlife museum, official home of National Hunting and Fishing Day, has announced a major sponsorship from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF ) to kickoff the 2008 celebration of the annual holiday, set for Sept. 27.
NSSF founded National Hunting and Fishing Day and urged Congress to formalize the concept nearly 37 years ago. In 2006, NSSF launched a partnership with Wonders of Wildlife to ignite new energy for the commemoration. The 2008 sponsorship from NSSF will underwrite the museum's national awareness campaigns and coordination of events.
"It's all about helping Americans understand and appreciate the conservation benefits of traditional outdoor sports. Hunting and fishing fees and excise taxes generate $100,000 every 30 minutes for wildlife and wild places. National Hunting and Fishing Day is a public reminder that conservation programs in our country are funded primarily through hunters and anglers," said Chris Dolnack, senior vice president of NSSF.
He added, "We're pleased to renew our partnership with Wonders of Wildlife. Together, and with a growing list of interested sponsors, we're ensuring that outdoor traditions will continue into the future."
Recent surveys show three of every four Americans support legal hunting and nine in 10 approve of recreational fishing, even though many do not participate every year. Unquestionably, this public acceptance is due in part to the annual holiday considered the most effective grassroots campaign ever undertaken to promote hunting, fishing and conservation. Overall, more than 34 million Americans hunt or fish.
"We're grateful for NSSF's historic leadership and ongoing sponsorship," said Denise Wagner, National Hunting and Fishing Day coordinator for Wonders of Wildlife.
Located in Springfield, Mo., Wonders of Wildlife is the only hunting- and fishing-focused museum that's both affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution and accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.
For more information, visit www.nhfday.org .