From Press Release
Nothing can kill the joy of the hunt like frigid weather. During deer season, temperatures can often drop so low that even your warmest, most insulated clothing can't protect you from Jack Frost's bite. Hypothermia becomes a real threat when the thermostat drops, and believe it or not, you can even suffer from this dangerous condition when temperatures are relatively mild.
In addition to camouflaging your movements and masking your scent, Advantage Hunting Blinds also protect you from the blistery winter conditions.
The blinds are so technologically advanced in function and design that you can enjoy hunting more successfully and more comfortably and with less maintenance. These durable, weather-proof blinds offer added protection against the elements. In addition to quality weatherproof construction the Deluxe and Whitetail Blind feature tinted polycarbonate windows that allow a 360-degree view while providing concealment for the hunter. Plus the windows seal against a gasket to keep out the cold.
The Hunter Blind is definitely a more weather-resistant option to the homemade, plywood blind. This cost-friendly blind is a two-piece polyethylene 4' blind for one or two gun or crossbow hunters and is designed to provide comfort and protection from the elements in a maintenance-free, lightweight rigid blind.
This season, put your comfort first and hunt from an Advantage Hunting blind.
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