Texas Game Wardens. (Texas Game Wardens Facebook)
May 04, 2017
There's no doubt the Texas Game Wardens , as well as any wildlife officers in any state, face a myriad of incidents when in the field -- from the serious to the ridiculous.
One thing for certain. Many times it involves stupid people doping stupid things.
Regularly, the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department posts "Game Warden Notes ," a online roundup of recent law enforcement stories compiled directly from reports in the field.
Here are some of those stories (reprinted with permission).
Texas Game Wardens have seized 5 illegal hoop nets placed by fishing vessels from Mexico in Texas waters at Falcon Lake (May 4). All fish were released alive. (Texas Game Wardens Facebook)
From the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Game Warden Field Notes, April 25
Caught With His Pants Down A Comal County game warden responded to a call for assistance from the Comal County Sheriff's Office after deputies received a shots fired call. The officers located an individual in a residential neighborhood on the south side of the lake who appeared to have fresh blood on his tactical boots, but did not have a firearm.
A search of his vehicle was conducted and two assault rifles were located in the vehicle as well as small drops of blood on the driver and passenger seats. After a brief interview with the suspect, the warden discovered that there were numerous deer shot and killed along the golf course neighborhood throughout the night.
The warden was also able to determine that another individual was involved and was hiding out in the woods. The first suspect was asked to contact the individual in the woods via cellphone and to wait along the roadway for a deputy to pick him up.
The suspect hiding in the woods was not wearing any boots or pants.
It was later determined he had removed them to conceal blood evidence. The warden continued to interview the suspects and determined that they had killed at least two white-tailed does and wounded another one.
The suspects could not provide a specific number of animals shot, but believed it to be more than 10 animals. Cases and restitution for these cases are still pending.
Get Off My Brush Pile A Smith County Warden began an investigation into a possible fisherman harassment case on Lake Tyler after victims caught a video of a homeowner circling their boat because he was angry that they were fishing "his brush pile."
After the confrontation, the victims intentionally prop washed the suspect's boat house before leaving.
Game wardens received confessions from both the suspect and for the prop wash from the victims. Charges for fisherman harassment for the suspect and hazardous wash or wake on one of the victims are pending.
Can't Hide Miles of Line While conducting a Natural Resource Damage Assessment patrol in the Gulf of Mexico near the U.S. and Mexico border, Cameron and Hidalgo County game wardens came across illegal longline gear set by Mexican commercial fishermen.
The illegal gear was located approximately 1 mile north of the U.S./Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone and stretched west approximately 4 miles toward Boca Chica Beach.
Numerous black drum, redfish, sharks and stingrays were caught on the gear; many of which were released alive.
Don't Text and Poach During a public outreach event, game wardens were provided information about deer being killed throughout the hunting season by the same two suspects. A warden was able to make contact with the suspects from the incident and was given a confession that in addition to killing one deer in January, another white-tailed doe was killed in February on the north side of Canyon Lake.
The shooter admitted to killing the deer from a roadway, and at night, with a 20-gauge shotgun. The shooter also admitted to cutting the head off with a hatchet and disposing of the head in a wooded area.
During the investigation, game wardens confiscated the shooters cellphone, and a search warrant was completed on the phone which uncovered numerous pictures and videos from another deer being killed in late December.
The videos included the deer carcass being mutilated by both individuals. Two assault rifles, one shotgun, numerous knives and a hatchet were seized related to the illegal killing of white-tailed deer. Cases and restitution are pending.