7 things to see at the Great American Outdoor Show
February 05, 2014
By Lars Dalseide, NRAblog.com
From NRAblog.com
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- If you're heading into Harrisburg for day four of the Great American Outdoor Show , you should probably go in with a plan. Have an idea of what you're looking for, how you're going to get there and how long you're going to stay.
Now since everyone is arriving with a different agenda, here's a general all hands on deck approach towards what you can see in the halls and walls of the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center.
Wall of Guns - For fans of this Annual Meeting favorite, you're know exactly what I'm talking about. For the uninitiated ... here's the scoop. NRA staff and volunteers located by the southern end of the Large Arena are selling $20 tickets to the Wall of Guns. (Actually it's more of a wooden case of guns enclosed in glass, but Wall of Guns has a better ring to it.) Fear not for you will hear the call whenever you draw near. Every time 100 tickets are sold, volunteers will pick a name from those 100 tickets and boom — we have a winner. What does the winner win? Any gun in the case. In fact, if you pick the right guns, you could walk away with two guns. Now there's a stop worth making. Whitetails and Trophy Big Game – with Lee and Tiffany Lakosky - Fans of Crush with Lee & Tiffany should find their way to the Small Arena by 12:30 this afternoon as the Minnesota-hunting couple share their tales of hunting the great North American Whitetail. Get the Outdoor Channel duo's thoughts on what it takes to get the whitetails, big trophy game, deer and food plot management, shed hunting and how they got started in the outdoor industry. Learn to Draw Your Pistol from Top Shot Finalist Matt Hughes - If you're a fan of Top Shot then you remember Mike Hughes. Called the robot (because of his unflinching precision) or the zombie (because he returned after being eliminated), Mike Hughes shares his years of experience to give you the basics of how to effectively draw a concealed handgun. It might sound simple enough, but putting that simple motion into practice is a completely different story. Why not learn from one of the men who does it best. Archery Tag - At first glance this might sound odd, but once you lay your eyes on the dodgeball-like spectacle that is Archery Tag you'll be dragging your buddies in for a run. Located in the Large Arena, Archery Tag suits up competitors in masks and vests before releasing them into the area. Once they say go, unleash your inner Robin Hood in an effort to shoot out your opponent's 5-spot target. Doesn't sound all that exciting? There's more. Much more. You're hiding behind blowup barriers, you're dodging “non-lethal” foam-tipped arrows that continue to zoom by your head, and you're forced to run into the neutral zone when your quiver runs dry. You're doing all this in a mad frenzy as time is ticking away, you're teammates are picked off and the 5-spot target tips on the 1-spot edge of elimination. It's a madhouse of fun. Caring for you Guns - You're one of the lucky few with a truly unique gun. Maybe you found it at a yard sale, maybe it was passed on from grandap, maybe you found it buried in the back yard. Question is ... what do I do with it now? That's where Doug Wicklund comes into play. As Senior Curator for NRA Museums, Wicklund has spent decades restoring and refurbishing guns as old as the United States itself. Learn exactly what you should be doing when it comes to storage, rebuilding and general care of everything from an AR-15 to a priceless family heirloom. Mallard Duck and Canada Goose Calling Contest - Sponsored by Sean Mann Calls and Hunter Calls, the Mallard Duck and Canada Goose Calling Contest kicks off at noon today in the Erie Room of the PA Farm Show Complex & Expo Center. If your calls are the best in the county then this is a chance to see just where you rank in nation. Who knows, maybe you'll even pick up a tip or two. The Shooting Sports Hall - This is the place causing all the buzz. With big time names like Browning, Smith & Wesson, Taurus and Colt, the Shooting Sports Hall is where you can discover what is going to start showing up at your local gun shop. Shotguns from Mossberg, rifles from Blaser and pistols from Walther make this hall a definite must do destination. Add accessory manufacturers like Crimson Trace and Magpul and chances are you'll never leave. So if the Great American Outdoor Show is on your agenda for the day, keep these events and locations in mind.
You won't be disappointed.
For more on the Great American Outdoor Show, visit their website at www.greatamericanoutdoorshow.org