Photo By Ron Sinfelt
October 26, 2017
By Game & Fish Online Staff
Photo By Ron Sinfelt
The network of Game & Fish Magazine writers fanned out across the region to find the most impressive scored bucks we could. Here are our fascinating stories of some truly extraordinary trophy bucks.
New England Trophy Bucks
When it comes to the world of trophy-class deer New England is rather low on the list. States such as Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and other "corn belt" locales routinely and annually produce some of the largest antlered white-tailed deer in the world.
This is not to say that exceptional deer don't exist in other states — far from it. In fact, every state where whitetails are found has its state-record bucks in every possible category (rifle, shotgun, archery, crossbow, etc.). The only difference is in the size of the bucks heading those lists. Many states' biggest bucks barely qualify for recognition in the trophy buck records of the elite states, but this is more a matter of genetics, forage quality and winter severity. In New England, the state...
Click To Read About New York's Best Trophy Bucks
It is no secret that the state of New York produces some of the biggest bucks taken in the Northeast every year. These days we are not even surprised anymore when some lucky hunter kills a deer scoring in excess of 200 inches gross Boone and Crockett . There is good reason for this. New York is not only one of the biggest states in the Northeast, it also has some of the most varied and diverse habitats. Great bucks are arrowed in suburban bow-only zones; they are taken by shotgun in farm country; and they are tracked down in the snow-covered mountainous regions. Some tremendous bucks are occasionally....
Click To Read About Pennsylvania's Trophy Bucks
Here we will look at three examples of exceptional bucks taken by hunters during the 2016 deer hunting seasons. There is no reason why you cannot be in the same position this fall. Across the country deer hunters look toward genetics, nutrition and age as the components for producing the biggest bucks. Here in Pennsylvania, reverse that order. Age is the number one factor, followed by nutrition and genetics. Find a place where bucks may be getting old, typically because of difficult hunter access, and you will find big deer....